Pinellas County - Long run: 11.06 miles, 00:10:28 average pace, 01:55:49 duration
although it tough rolling out of bed it was a good run and i am glad i did. on the last miles i met up with joe and had a nice conversation with him. really made a few miles go by fast although we slowed the pace dramatically. eh, it is all relative.

odd thing is my sunburn from monday. did not bother me at all, but when i took my shirt off all the sweat had bean captured in little blister looking things on my shoulders and back (where i was wearing a shirt). the don’t hurt or itch but they definitely were something new!

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Good old (bitmap) Helvetica works as a GUI font again:

This broke a year ago and I gave up on it. Now it’s back. Crisp fonts, just like in the terminal. 💚

This is much easier for me to read. Maybe it’s because of my myopia. Everything is a little bit fuzzy anyway and font antialiasing on top is really exhausting for me.

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Martial Arts Sparring: Student Review 2 - Keep Going
Another important aspect of sparring is working on cardio and mental control. This is accomplished by going as many rounds as you can. After a certain point, you may find it challenging to raise your hands or kick as you normally do. That’s when you dig deep and keep on going. In this student review, I’ve pushed students to go a bit longer to increase, not only endurance, but their inner core.#martialarts #muayboran #muaythai #warrior #technique #selfdefense #karate #kungfu #kickboxing #martialartstraining #sparring #mentalstrength #silat #focus #basics #mindset #dontgiveup #foryou

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Lesson 286: Spine Elbow (part 4)
In this version, we can throw the elbow downward to the spine or head as a follow up strike. Once your opponent is dazed we then take the steps to bring them and controlling the arm to secure a chicken wing finish. Note that this finish will not always work against a resisting opponent. You may have to stick to strikes until they are no longer conscious. The finish is just another option.

#muayboran #technique #martialarts #selfdefense #selfdefence

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Lesson 285: Spine Elbow (part 3)
In part 3, we emphasize the importance of sprawling, which is important from the get-go or as you push the head down. If you find yourself in a situation where someone shots in and you do not have underhooks, keep pushing the head down and throw a spine elbow a few times. If they are still driving in and pushing you back then sprawl even further. Once they are on the ground, secure your top control and finish with more strikes.

#muayboran #technique #martialarts #selfdefense #selfdefence

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Lesson 284: Spine Elbow (part 2)
In part 2, we go into a little more detail on the elbow set-up. When someone shoots in, it’s better to keep a wide stance and even sprawl. Once you push the head down and see your opponent’s spine, you can throw your elbow. Note striking this area can inflict serious damage on your opponent so only apply this move in self-defense, not sport or sparring.

#muayboran #technique #martialarts #selfdefense #selfdefence

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Lesson 283: Spine Elbow (part 1)
This elbow is usually applied as a counter when your opponent hunches. For instance, if you opponent shoots in, you can widen your stance, push the head down with your hand or elbow and strike an elbow downwards towards your opponent’s spine. The opportunity will not always be there, but when you are in this type of scramble and your opponent shows you their back, you can apply this move.

#muayboran #technique #martialarts #selfdefense #selfdefence

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Basics Breakdown: Middle & High Round Kicks
Fundamentally speaking, the value of middle and high kicks in both Muay Thai and Muay Boran cannot be understated. From outsiders, these two basic kicks seems simple enough. Yet those who are not well versed in the intricacies of Muay Thai round kicks may be missing these power strikes. For middle or body kicks, the target is the ribs or kidney area. If applied with the right force and with enough repetition, your opponent would either experience a debilitating pain or broken ribs. For high or head kicks, the target is the head area. This kick, although is often blocked, is not always the target. The arm blocking will break if the kick is delivered with the right force. And , obviously a head kick could render your opponent unconscious.

In any case, these two kicks are foundations that must always be practiced. To be comfortable to throw round kicks consistently, one must train them non-stop. But with the idea that tweaks need to be made in order to optimize its effectiveness.

#muayboran #technique #martialarts #kickboxing #mma #kicking #skills #sparring #moves #karate #kungfu #silat #kravmaga #trainhard #striker #footwork #adrenaline #combatsports #foryou

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Lesson 282: Step-Grab Sweep (part 2)
In this version, we block grab and maintain a hold on the leg if we can, fish tail and make then loose balance. Note that this is not always going to work, especially against an opponent with good balance. The concept is to make use of the pull if you can. If not, you can always let go and continue striking. But if you have a chance to sweep you opponent you can go for a variety of leg lock finishes.

#muayboran #technique #martialarts #selfdefense #selfdefence

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Lesson 281: Step-Grab Sweep (part 1)
In this technique, we are grabbing the kicking leg to sweep. Note that side stepping and blocking is important, especially if you are dealing with a strong kick. You never want to take the kick with full force unless you don’t have enough time to block or side step. This is why we show an exaggeration of pulling the leg once we grab hold of it, just to emphasize the importance of moving away from the kick. From there, a simple sweep can be performed.

#muayboran #technique #martialarts #selfdefense #selfdefence

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Muay Boran Martial Arts Sparring w Big Gloves 7: Add Elbows
Sparring sessions can vary depending on what you’re working on. In certain sessions, you can focus on bridging the gap with your sparring partner and adding elbows. When using elbows, make sure to wear elbow pads to protect your partner from any unnecessary cuts or injuries. Elbows is effective when you’re in closer range which requires some getting use to.#martialarts #muayboran #muaythai #warrior #technique #selfdefense #karate #kungfu #kickboxing #martialartstraining #sparring #combatsports #silat #focus #mma #fundamentals #sparringtips #foryou

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Muay Boran Martial Arts Sparring w Small Gloves 6: Work Accuracy
Accuracy of technique is an important element of being effective. You can work on this during sparring by paying attention to where your strikes land. Once you get used to certain target areas, your moves will become more accurate even as you increase the intensity of sparring.#martialarts #muayboran #muaythai #warrior #technique #selfdefense #karate #kungfu #kickboxing #martialartstraining #sparring #reflexes #silat #focus #mma #selfimprovement #accuracy #foryou

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Muay Thai & Boran Martial Arts Sparring w Big Gloves 6: Go Low
When focusing on kick sparring, it’s also advantageous to go low. In real time training, this allows you to improve your timing, gauging and mixing things up. Low kicks can be a powerful way to, not only keep your opponent at bay, but to soften them up for other strikes. If done correctly, the dividends can add up.#martialarts #muayboran #muaythai #warrior #technique #selfdefense #karate #kungfu #kickboxing #martialartstraining #sparring #reflexes #silat #focus #mma #lowkick #legkick #foryou

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